Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about the Housing Voucher Program, see the HCV page.
Where do I apply?
Call, write or drop in to request an application from the Truth or Consequences Housing Authority at 108 S. Cedar St., Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901, telephone (575) 894-2244 – or you can download the proper application from any of the Property pages.
What is Public Housing?
Public Housing refers to decent, safe and sanitary apartments managed by the Housing Authority to provide HUD-subsidized rental assistance for low and very low income persons. Our Public Housing properties are:
- Vista del Cerro, Truth or Consequences – Family Housing
- Villa de Sol, Truth or Consequences – Housing for Seniors and Disabled Persons
What is Rural Development 515 Housing (RD)?
RD refers to housing that is subsidized through a contract with the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD) to provide rental assistance for extremely low, very low and low income households. Similar to HUD requirements, the Housing must be decent, safe and sanitary. T or C Housing Authority owns and manages one (1) family and one (1) senior and/ or disabled property. Our USDA Rural Development subsidized properties are:
- Puesta de Sol, Truth or Consequences – Family Housing
- Hacienda Orgullo Apartments, Truth or Consequences – Housing for Seniors and Disabled Persons
What is Section 8 Project Based Housing?
To provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent. The dwelling unit must pass the program’s housing standards and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments. In addition, the landlord is expected to provide the services agreed to as part of the lease signed with the tenant and the contract signed with the Housing Authority.
What is the Housing Authority’s role?
To administer the rental voucher program locally, provide a family with the rental assistance that enables the family to seek out suitable housing and the Housing Authority enters into a contract with the landlord to provide rental assistance payments on behalf of the family. If the landlord fails to meet his/her obligations under the lease, the Housing Authority has the right to terminate assistance payments.
What is HUD’s (Housing & Urban Development) role?
To cover the cost of the program, HUD provides funds to allow the Housing Authority to make housing assistance payments on behalf of the families and HUD pays the Housing Authority a fee for the costs of administering the program.
What are the Housing Choice Voucher payment standards?
Please contact the Housing Authority for current payment standard information.
Who is responsible for the security deposit?
The security deposit is between the landlord and the tenant. The Housing Authority’s role is to make sure that it complies with the State Law.
What is HUD’s (Housing & Urban Development) role?
To cover the cost of the program, HUD provides funds to allow the Housing Authority to make housing assistance payments on behalf of the families and HUD pays the Housing Authority a fee for the costs of administering the program.
What are the Housing Choice Voucher payment standards?
Please contact the Housing Authority for current payment standard information.
Who is responsible for the security deposit?
The security deposit is between the landlord and the tenant. The Housing Authority’s role is to make sure that it complies with the State Law.