ROSS (Seniors)
Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency Program
1425 E. 2nd St @ Hacienda OrgulloTruth or Consequences, NM 87901
Phone (575)-894-7718
Fax (575) 894-1168
Email: j.rainy@torchousing.org
It is our goal at the Truth or Consequences Housing Authority, through the ROSS program to assist our Senior/Disabled residents to live independent, self-sufficient, and productive lives.
Programs Available Through ROSS:
Case Management
When a resident moves into public housing, if they wish to participate, they will receive an initial visit from the case manager. Their need for services will be assessed at that time. Once that assessment has been completed and services are in place, the case manager will see them at least twice a year to monitor any changes which require additional program participation.
There are two commodities programs in Sierra County. Through the case manager the resident will be made aware of these programs and assisted to register for those for which they are eligible. We also offer home delivery of commodities on an “as needed” basis for residents who are homebound.
Local Transportation
Working in concert with the Senior Joint Office on Aging (SJOA) we provide residents access to the only local transportation system. The case manager will inform residents concerning the schedule and how to avail themselves of this service.
Meal Site
At Hacienda Orgullo’s dining facility, SJOA provides a lunch meal for residents who wish to participate. This meal site is also open to the public. In addition to providing for the nutritional needs of residents, it is also a place for social interaction with other seniors.
Homemaker Service
Our case manager refers residents who may benefit from basic homemaker services to area organizations
that provide such services. This program allows the frailest of our residents to continue living independently.
Senior Companions
Working with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) we match residents with senior companions who will provide companionship and often also assist with trips to the grocery store or pharmacy.
Wellness Checks
Working with RSVP, we enroll residents who are interested in a once daily “Wellness Check.” This gives residents, and often their families who live far away, a much needed feeling of security.
Respite Services
Our case manager will assist individuals that care for a homebound family member to identify and obtain respite services from area organizations.
Recreational Activities
We have Bingo scheduled two times a week at Hacienda Orgullo, as well as a full range of activities through the Senior Center a few blocks away.
Home Delivered Meals
Using the local meals on wheels program through SJOA and RSVP our case manager refers residents who would benefit from this program.